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EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2022 attendance skyrocketed to approximately 650,000 – a new record total. That mark is about 7% above 2021's attendance of 608,000. The previous high attendance mark was 642,000 in 2019. More than 800 exhibitors participated in the event, along with 797 media representatives from six continents. "There were several factors involved in the record attendance this year, in addition to the great weather," said EAA CEO and Chairman Jack Pelton. "Programs such as the U.S. A...
he 50th anniversary of Van's Aircraft RV series was a major element of homebuilt aircraft activities at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2022. "While aircraft kits have existed for more than a century, it was 50 years ago that Richard VanGrunsven introduced a model that would move the homebuilt movement into an age where kit aircraft would become dominant," said Charlie Becker, EAA's director of chapters and homebuilt community manager. Today, more than 11,000 completed RV models are the direct...
Hundreds of gorgeous, striking airplanes arrive at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh each and every year in hopes of winning a Lindy Award. Few aircraft, in comparison to the field, come away with any sort of award. Fewer still come away with a Lindy. Awards are given out across six categories: Homebuilts, Warbirds, Vintage, Rotorcraft, Ultralights, and Seaplanes. Entrants can be considered for only one category in a given year, and are not eligible for the same or any lower-tier awards if they have won...
Tom Poberezny, the retired president and chairman of the Experimental Aircraft Association, was mourned by the EAA and numerous aviation communities after his death July 25 at age 75, following a brief illness. Poberezny was EAA president from 1989 until 2010, and also served as chairman for two years until his retirement in 2011. EAA Director of Communications Dick Knapinski alerted aviation media of Poberezny's passing at the start of the Monday morning AirVenture daily briefing. EAA issued...
The Watermelon Social presented by Wipaire, Inc. is the EAA AirVenture Seaplane Base's big event. The gathering returned this year after a COVID-19 forced absence. First-year EAA Seaplane Base Chairman Shane Albers estimated total attendance at 1,000 participants. The watermelons were sourced through local grocery stories and carved up with machetes. Albers said it takes about a dozen people three hours to set up the event. The Seaplane Base is presented by lead sponsor Wipaire Inc. with...
Over the centuries many different types of pavements have been invented by humans to make travel easier and keep things moving regardless of the weather. Beginning around 300 BC the Romans built first-class roads, many of which are still in use. The Empire's engineers designed highways that were crowned for drainage, had curbing, and were often paved with cut rock or cobble stones. Later European civilizations lacked the Roman ingenuity and sometimes used corduroy for paving. Not old pants, but...
Last evening I was visiting with a gentleman and fellow aviator who is a terrific supporter of aviation, and who has integrated his love of aviation into his life by maintaining and flying warbirds. By the time this article is published Oshkosh and AirVenture will be in our rear view mirror and for those of you who have partaken in the Oshkosh event you know that it is like taking a stroll down memory lane. This memory lane is very important to many of us and is made possible by those who...
The U.S. House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure's Subcommittee on Aviation recently reviewed key opportunities and challenges facing the industry. General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) President and CEO Peter Bunce addressed the subcommittee's July 13 meeting, stating the industry is still struggling with filling technically skilled jobs to operate, maintain, and manufacture aircraft. Bunce said workforce challenges will become even more acute as general aviation...
The U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds thrilled a large crowd while headlining the 2022 Duluth Air and Aviation Expo Airshow July 16-17. The elite military performance group was scheduled to perform in 2020, an event that was canceled because of COVID-19. This year's attendance was estimated at 50,000 by event organizers. Last year, with the U.S Navy's Blue Angels headlining, the airshow drew about 75,000 attendees, said Ryan Kern, airshow president and founder. The Thunderbirds fly the same planes...
Attendees at Wings of the North's 2022 AirExpo were able to climb aboard an iconic plane of World War II and be transported back in time via big bomber flight. Yankee Air Museum again offered paid B-17G rides during the two-day event July 23-24. The aircraft is based in Belleville, Michigan, It was the 13th from the last ever produced. It was delivered to the U.S. Army Air Forces on July 16, 1945, and did not go overseas or see combat. In all, 12,731 Flying Fortresses were built during World...
It’s challenging enough flying a high performance aircraft stone sober. Lord help the pilot that’s even slightly impaired. The FAA strongly agrees with that sentiment. That’s why the Eight Hours Bottle to Throttle rule was instituted (FAR 91.17). Likewise, if a pilot gets even one Driving While Impaired (DWI) conviction, all hell breaks loose. The FAA assumes that if you are dumb enough to drink while driving you just might be dumb enough to drink while flying. In other words, they are trying to keep you from killing you and your passe...
During WWI, artillery spotting was of prime importance. Both sides used tethered observation balloons. Stopping your opponent's ability to chart your positions was one of the most dangerous jobs for fighter pilots. The German drachens were not armed, but the hydrogen filled gas bags were surrounded by anti-aircraft guns (which the British called "Archie") and protected by fighters. The most successful ace against the drachens was Belgian pilot Willy Coppens (1892-1986), who shot down 35...
As you go through your flying career, whatever flying from GA to Part 121, there is always the checklist! Some pilots have said "I've owned my plane for years and have everything memorized." Or the Part 135 pilot that had a great career with a major and now flies smaller planes and feels they don't really need a check list every time. What if you are at a busy airport and there are planes lined up behind you? You just flew last week, you feel like you remember it well. Yes, you do, but how do...
Each year, a Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame (MAHOF) selection committee meets to review nomination submissions and select new inductees. Selection includes evaluation of a candidate's significant aviation contributions to Minnesota, the area of the state the individual represents, and other criteria involving career and professional contributions. Starting this fall, the MAHOF will showcase one inductee a month in the Minnesota Flyer leading up to the organization's spring annual awards banquet. The MAHOF Board of Directors is proud to...
Sept. 10: Brainerd, MN: “Grass is a Gas Poker Run” Sponsored by Brainerd EAA Chapter 610, Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport. Registration opens at 7:30 a.m. briefing at 8:15 a.m. and return to Brainerd by 1:30 p.m. Contact Mike Petersen (612) 750-2981, Sept. 11: New Ulm, MN: Lions Fly-In Breakfast, 7 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. New Ulm Municipal Airport. Free Breakfast for all fly-in pilots. Supporting the sight, hearing and diabetes impaired. Contact: (612) 501-2719 or Sept. 17: Mora, MN: City of Mora and Mor...
This early morning canopy shot of a 2020 Van's Aircraft RV-8 registered to Roger Bestland of Webster, Minnesota, was taken June 26 at the Wings and Wheels Fly-In Breakfast and Classic Car Show at Wells Municipal Airport....