Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

MNPilots Hangar Flying

The leaves have fallen off the trees, we have already had a few snow- flakes grace our lawns and the temperatures are becoming a bit “brisk,” shall we say. We love the fall season, but are bracing for what we know is inevitable in Minnesota. Cold weather. Sometimes REALLY cold weather, accompanied with bone-chilling winds that make it

a challenge to venture outside the house to drive to the airport in order to fly.

The time just before the winter sets in is a time for us to pause and make plans to get through the cold months in good shape. We find ways to spend our non-working hours mostly in the dark, as daylight savings time shifts in a direction that leaves much darkness during our waking hours, with little daylight.

There are many great ways to scratch our itch to think about flying and aviation, in general. Organizations such as the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA), the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA), the Federal Aviation Association (FAA) and even all have wonderful programs which permit us to sit in the comfort of our homes, while the snow flies, brushing up on many topics that are of interest to aviators. These are professionally prepared and can be viewed at our leisure.

Of course, there are many lists of books that have been the traditional way to entertain and gain knowledge. Do a Google search for aviation books and you will see great books like Stick & Rudder, Flight of Passage, Glacier Pilot, to mention a few.

Why not sit down with your copies of Minnesota Flyer magazine from this year, some of which have been sitting around just waiting for a few minutes to be read. I know that it is not uncommon for me to pick up a back issue and learn something import- ant from issues that have “aged” while lying on my desk.

This is a time for us to think about the Holidays, and to put together a list of things that we may want for Christmas! I know that my loved ones are always looking for something for Santa to give me for being such a good person this year, and I find myself scrambling to come up with something.

We are celebrating Thanksgiving soon, and I would be remiss

not to say how thankful I am for those who put their lives on the line for us in times of difficulties. I thank our law enforcement officers, our emergency medical personnel and pilots and those who serve our Great Country in the military. These unsung heroes go about their professions quietly, without making the big bucks, impacting our lives in many, many ways. I am thankful for our air traffic control people, for those who staff our FBOs, for those who plow snow to keep our roads and runways safe, and open.

Lastly, the Minnesota Pilots Association gives thanks to each of you who choose to support aviation by being members. We appreciate you support!


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