Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

Airport Of The Month – Fergus Falls

Edge Lighting System Replacement Improves Safety

Much of the wisdom imparted by the Federal Aviation Administration is contained in publications called "Advisory Circulars" or ACs. Both thorough and interesting, they cover a variety of subjects including how to build just about everything on an airport.

The "Airport Series" start with 150 and the one that addresses airport lighting is 150/5340-30. Using the term "advisory" is not really accurate.

Just try building something on a public airport that doesn't conform to the appropriate AC and see what happens on the next inspection. Don't even think about FAA funding if you don't comply. On the plus side, it's all good "advice."

Edge lights are the subject here and the Fergus Falls Municipal Airport (FFM) just replaced the system on Runway 13/31. These lights come in three varieties called Low, Medium and High Intensity Runway Lights or LIRLs, MIRLs and HIRLs.

High intensity systems are normally installed on runways with precision instrument approaches and that's what Runway 13/31 at Fergus Falls has, so the old MIRLs were replaced with HIRLs. Low intensity lights are "advised" for use on visual runways and medium intensity for non-precision approach runways.

Having the brightest lights possible with a "Precision Approach" is a good thing since that kind of procedure is most useful in low visibility conditions. Fergus Falls also has a full approach lighting system (MALSR) on Runway 31. While the HIRLs were being installed, so were new Runway End Identifier Lights (REILs) on Runway 13.

A new system of Guidance Signs was also added. All as "advised" 150/5340-30.

Besides the ILS, Fergus Falls has several GPS procedures, and a VOR on the field.

Sky Crew Services LLC is a full service FBO and fueling can be had 24/7 for Jet A and Avgas. The spacious A/D building has meeting rooms and rental cars are available.

A great local event called "Summerfest" happens in June and includes a fly-in breakfast. The "Fest" includes plenty of other food options if you're not into pancakes. Fireworks, live music, and parades are also featured. If "dog is your co-pilot," there's a special show for canines.

"Einar Mickelson Field" is the name the city gave its airport in honor of one of the original "Flying Tigers," also known as the American Volunteer Group or AVG.

Only 99 pilots could make that claim. Mickelson was one of them, and grew up in Fergus Falls. He was also a very brave man.

Organized before the Pearl Harbor attack, the AVG flew P-40s basically as civilians working for the Chinese government, Mickelson was famous among his comrades for "hitting on" the wife of the president of the country he was flying for.

After returning to Kunming from a tough mission Mickelson and another pilot spotted two good-looking women one of whom was Soong Mei-ling.

She spoke excellent English. After some flirting at a local tea shop, Mickelson asked her for a date. She turned him down. Soong Mei-ling was the wife of Chiang Kai-shek, who was pretty nearly the absolute ruler of that part of China. Chiang was desperate for fighter pilots, so Einar Mickelson got to keep flying.

When the AVG disbanded, Mickelson went to work for China National Aviation Corporation (CNAC) flying the notorious "Hump" from India to China. In Bombay he met another beautiful and exotic woman, this time one not married to his boss. Natalia Beloff was from a family of Russian nobility and also worked for CNAC.

They married in 1943. Unfortunately, Capt. Mickelson went missing in the Himalayans the next year.

Fergus Falls is the seat of Otter Tail County and the center of the Minnesota Lake country. There's lots to do even if it's not "Summer Fest" and you should be able to get there no matter what the weather. With the new lighting system there's not much excuse for missing the approach.


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