Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

AirVenture Produces All-Around Success

EAA's 2021 Gathering At Oshkosh Sets Many Benchmarks

This was my 25th consecutive Oshkosh Convention. The first thing that people ask on my return is "SO-HOW WAS OSHKOSH? WHAT'S NEW?"

EAA AirVenture Oshkosh or "Oshkosh" for short has become so large that it's difficult to cover by one person-so Minnesota Flyer's contributing writers were directed to do the logical thing, and divide the editorial responsibilities.

I took on the event reporting -the displays-the press gatherings-the forums-and the questions of "what's new?"

Contributing writer, professional airshow announcer and historian Tom Lymburn will report on unique aircraft that were presen...


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