We are just weeks away from the opening of the EAA AirVenture at OshKosh, Wisconsin, July 22 through July 28, 2019.
AirVenture is well known as the worlds' largest aviation gathering and fly-in. For us at MnDOT Aeronautics, the event offers an opportunity to meet individual Minnesota pilots, welcome attendees to stop and visit Minnesota airports on the way to and from OSH, and meet with our peers from across the nation. It is a fun and productive time for all things aviation!
We have heard that the EAA expects nearly 800 exhibitors this year, including about 30 from our own state. We are excited to be one of them!
MnDOT Aeronautics will have a large, open, inviting booth space at numbers 3170 & 3171 in the Epic Exhibit Hangar C, it's the hangar with the nice restrooms, sort of by the control tower. We are in the first isle in the NE area of building. Please stop in to say "hi" and chat with us about your favorite airport – or favorite aviation activity.
I will be there, along with other Aeronautics staff, to answer your questions about the Fly-in-Minnesota program, the State Aviation System Plan (SASP), provide state charts and directories, and other information. Other folks will join us at our booth as well.
Individual airports will send representatives to talk about their community and give a personal insight into why you might want to fly-in to their community.
We are also hoping for DNR and other state agencies to send their experts to tell you more about state parks and trails you may want to explore.
Summer will also be filled with a variety of Airport Fly-in Breakfasts and BBQs. Although my schedule fills up quickly, I am still open on a few weekends. Mama always said, "Don't go where you are not invited." So, if you would like us to attend please invite us in advance.
There are many new faces in our office as the result of staff changes, we have said our good-byes to those who have retired or moved to other jobs, and have welcomed our new employees with smiles. We'd like you to meet the new folks too, and let them get to know your airport and community, so they can serve you better as they gain experience.
As always, we love to come and share the excitement and wonder of flying in our beautiful state, fly safely – and Happy Landings.
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