Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

Upcoming Events

Check this column each month to see that dates have not been canceled or changed. Send notices six weeks in advance of publication to the Minnesota Flyer, P.O. Box 750, Sandstone, MN 55072-0750 or or Attention Pilots Be sure to get a Flight Service briefing from (800) WX-Brief before every flight and check your destination airport status.

May 17-19: Seaplane Safety Seminar at Madden’s on Gull Lake. Contact: Steve Guetter,

May 18: AOPA Rusty Pilots Seminar, Rochester Int’l Airport GA Hangars, Rochester, MN 55902. Sat., May 18,1 p.m.-3 p.m. Free for AOPA members; $79 for non-members (includes a 1-year AOPA membership). Sponsored by Southeastern Minnesota Flying Club ( More information

May 18: White Bear Lake, Benson Airport (6MN9) EAA Chapter #745 Fly-in/Drive-in Pancake Breakfast 9 a.m - noon. Contact: Airport (651) 429-0315 or Mike: (651) 983-5158.

May 18: White Bear Lake, MN, Benson Airport (6MN9)EAA Chapter #745 Fly-in/Drive-in Pancake Breakfast: 9 a.m - NOON. There is normally 100LL at the airport, but call ahead. Mike: (651) 983-5158, Airport: (651) 429-0315.

June 1: Grand Rapids, MN. EAA Fly-In, full breakfast, 8 a.m.-noon, KGPZ. Bob, 218-348-4424

June 9: Montevideo, MN. EAA Chapter 688 Fly-In Breakfast, Montevideo Airport (KMVE), 8 a.m.-1 p.m., PICs free. Free Young Eagle rides for ages 8-17, ping pong ball drop infant-10.

June 9: Buffalo, MN. EAA Chapter 878 Buffalo Fly-in breakfast and car show at KCFE. Breakfast, 7:30 a.m.-noon. PICs free.

June 9: Princeton, MN. Fly-In Car Show breakfast by Princeton Lions Club. Full menu breakfast. Contact.  Scott Liestman 763-389-8812

June 15: Little Falls (KLXL) MN. Fly-In / Drive-In French Toast Breakfast. 7-11a.m. PIC eats free. Habitat for Humanity fundraiser. For more information: or 320-616-2084.

June 15-16: Mankato, MN, Mankato Airport (KMKT) Minnesota Air Spectacular, see details at Contact Fred Lutz 507-381-0300

June 16: Hutchinson (HCD), Hutchinson, MN, JC Water Carnival Fly-in/Drive-In, Pancake Breakfast 8 a.m. - noon, Pork Chop Dinner 4 p.m. - 7, served by Hutchinson Civil Air Patrol Members. Contact Dave at 320-587-2358 or or Bernie Knutson at 612-723-8598.

June 16: Grand Rapids, MN. CAP Father’s Day Fly-In, full breakfast, 8 a.m.-1 p.m., KGPZ. Jim, 218-326-5212

June 29: Wadena Municipal Airport (KADC), Wadena, MN. Fly-In/Drive-In Pancake breakfast, 7a.m - 12:30 p.m. PIC eats free. Airplane rides, vintage aircraft, static displays, $1000.00 Grand Prize raffle, much more. Contact Dano Ostrander 218-282-6624.

June 30: Aitkin Municipal Airport, Aitkin, MN (KAIT). The EAA Aitkin Flyers, Fly-In Wild Rice Pancake Breakfast. Aviation booths, Flight Simulators, Special Speakers, DNR/Forestry Aircraft & Equipment Display, Young Eagle Flights, Bi-plane Rides, Fly Overs & More. Contact Jackie Brix 612-600-1230 or

June 30: St. Cloud Regional Airport, St. Cloud, MN. St. Cloud Civil Air Patrol Fly-In/Drive-In pancake/sausage breakfast and classic car show 8a.m - 1 p.m. Hangar 2 PIC’s free. Contact Brooke,

July 6: Starbuck Airport Pope County Flyers Annual Fly-In Pancake Breakfast. For information please call Mary Jo Brown at (320) 760-7749 or Tom Beuckens at (320) 239-4273.

July 7: Austin Municipal Airport, Austin Mn, Fly-In Breakfast, 7:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., pancakes, SPAM, sausage, milk, coffee, juice, $6.00 per person age six and over, PIC– Free Contact, Taggert Medgaarden 507-440-6596

July 13-14: Isle Airport on Mille Lacs Lake, Sat. evening bonfire and campout. Sun. morning breakfast. 7 a.m. – 12 p.m. Everyone welcome. Contact: Dave Retka (651) 263-8614, or

July 13-14: Eden Prairie, MN, Flying Cloud Airport, AirExpo 2019, Contact Greg Doeden

Aug 3: Elbow Lake Fly-In 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. during Elbow Lake FlekkeFest celebration. Contact Joe or Laura LaRue at Prairie Air, or, (218) 685-6594,

Aug 3: Grand Rapids, MN. EAA Young Eagle Rides, 8 a.m.-noon, KGPZ. Bob, 218-348-4424

Aug 4: Springfield Municipal Airport (D 42) Fly-In Classic Car Drive-In Breakfast. 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Free to PIC Contact: John Ryan (507) 920-7816 or,

Aug 11: Lino Lakes, MN. Surf Side Sea Plane Base. Minnesota Sea Plane Association Annual Pig Roast Picnic. Private Sea Plane Base and grass strip. Contact: Steve Guetter,

Aug. 18: Mankato, MN. Municipal Airport. EAA Chapter 642, Fly-In/Drive-In breakfast, 7:30 am to 12:00 noon, PIC free, Pancakes, eggs, sausage, etc. Contact Tony; 507-380-8377, or Jon; 507-317-1958.

Sept 7: Grand Rapids, MN. EAA Fly-In, full breakfast, 8 a.m.-noon, KGPZ. Bob, 218-348-4424.

Dec. 7: St. Cloud, MN. Tree of Hope, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. KSTC, Hangar H2, by St. Cloud Aviation.


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