Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

Upcoming Events

Check this column each month to see that dates have not been cancelled or changed. Send notices six weeks in advance of publication to the Minnesota Flyer, P.O. Box 750, Sandstone, MN 55072-0750 or or

September 28-30: Bowstring, MN, Bowstring Airport (9Y0) Fly-In/Drive-In/Camp-Out, Underwing Camping, Fri: Burgers and Brats 5 p.m.-7 p.m., Sat: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner: 7 a.m.-6 p.m, Sun: Breakfast, Lunch: 7 a.m. – 3 p.m. Contact Kenneth Reichert 218-244-6328, Weather dates Oct 5-7

Oct 6: White Bear Lake, MN, Benson Airport (6MN9) EAA Chapter 745 Fly-In Pancake Breakfast. There is normally 100LL on the airport but call ahead. Contact Kim at 763-503-0161 or airport 651-429-0315 or

Oct 7: Madison, MN, Lcx Qui Parle County Airport (KDXX) Fly-In Breakfast served by Kiwanis Club, 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Contact Michael Dahle at 320-598-7830,

Dec 1: Maple Lake, MN, Maple Lake Municipal Airport (KMGG), Tree of Hope donation event, 9.a.m. – 1 p.m., toys delivered to children in Minnesota hospitals by aviation community. Contact Howie and Deb Klier at 952-898-5735 or Elaine Morrow 763-777-9276


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