Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

Pilots loving learning

The Great Minnesota Aviation Gathering 2017 offers extensive expertise

From its well attended educational sessions to the EAA Leadership Summit Saturday night, the fourth annual Minnesota Pilots Association Great Minnesota at the Anoka county Blaine Airport was another rousing success.

Nestled amongst the impressive collection of vintage aircraft in the Golden Wings Museum, vendors were set up in booths for attendees to visit throughout the April 29-30 event.

The Museum's Ford Trimotor was backdrop to recognition ceremonies for the most Young Eagle flights given in 2016. EAA Chapter 1174 out of Fergus Falls gave 474 flights. Bill Steier received a plaque for the individual pilot with the most Young Eagle flights (115).

Museum owner Greg Herrick also entertained folks who crowded in to hear humorous stories of the acquisition of several aircraft in his unique collection.

The Golden Wings Classroom, EAA 237 Hangar, and the GMAG education tent housed presentations by experts in aviation and aviation related businesses.


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