Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

The Murphy Rebel #323

Jim Hanson, back with Kirk and Jim Hiner again to fly another of their homebuilt special-use airplanes__in this case, the Murphy Rebel on amphibious floats. Part 2

Kirk Hiner keeps a hangar at Warroad, Minnesota. He uses his RV-10 to fly to Warroad at Bonanza speeds, transfers to the Rebel on floats, and flies to the Angle, eliminating the 1 ½ hour drive and the Customs hassle. (Like others, he may be able to fly all the way if the Northwest Angle public airport is ever completed). We were going fishing at the Angle, so I flew to Warroad separately, as Kirk would be staying longer than I would to get the cabin ready for the season (a handy way for me to duck out of the work!) Kirk arrived at Warroad just before sunset. ("Note to self-this will be...


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