Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

Upcoming Events

Check this column each month to see that dates have not been canceled or changed. Send notices of events at least six weeks in advance of publication to the Minnesota Flyer, P.O. Box 750. Sandstone. MN 55072-0750 or or

June 3-4: Duluth Air Show,

June 11:Fly-In/Drive-In Waffle Breakfast, 8a.m - 1p.m., Fergus Falls Municipal Airport. Sponsored by Fergus Falls Area EAA Chapter 1174.

June 11: EAA Chapter 688 Annual Fly-In Breakfast, all you can eat! Montevideo Airport (MVE), 8:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m., PICs free, free Young Eagles Flights for ages 8-17, new this year: Ping Pong Ball Drop, Ages 0-10. Contact

June 11: Lions Fly-In, 7:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m., Princeton Municipal Airport, full menu breakfast. Parallel taxiway. Contact Rick Hoffman 763-286-1845

June 11: Rush City Airport Fly-In Pancake Breakfast, 8:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m., food vendors and more, Contact Don Swanson at 612-616-9947

June 17: Lake Air Flying Club Annual Fly-In Pancake Breakfast, 7:30-11 a.m., Moose Lake-Carlton County Airport, (KMZH). Contact Larry Peterson 218-485-4441.

June 17: EAA Chapter 745 Fly-In/Drive-In Pancake Breakfast, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., Benson’s Airport (6MN9) White Bear Lake, MN 55110. There is normally 100LL on the airport, but call ahead. For more information contact: Kim 763-503-0161 or Airport 651-429-0315.

June 18: EAA Chapter 100, Father’s Day Dodge Center Flight Breakfast, 7 a.m. – noon, PIC free, Rochester, contact Tom Hall 507-226-1310

June 18: Stanton Airport (SYN) 27th Annual Father’s Day Fly-In Breakfast 7 a.m. – noon, Contact 507-645-4030

June 20-23: 41st Annual Air Race Classic with a stop at Bemidji Regional Airport (KJBI)

June 24: Second Annual “Grass is a Gas” Poker Run. Start and finish at KBRD, fly to Hill City, Backus, Motley, and East Gull Lake (130NM), pick up a card at each stop and play your hand for great prizes. Preflight briefing at 08:30 a.m. In the air by 09:00. Poker Run is 100% free. Fuel discounts from NorthPoint Aviation and Wings Café on the airport. Come early for breakfast! Rain date June 25. Contact Mike Petersen 612-750-2981

June 24: Wings and Wheels over Wadena Fly-In Breakfast and Family Day, 7 a.m.-1 p.m., contact Josh Wold at josh&

June 25: Granite City Days Fly-In Breakfast and Classic Car Show, 8 a.m.-1 p.m., St. Cloud Civil Air Patrol Squadron providing pancake and sausage breakfast in Hangar 2. Contact Brooke Ziwicki 320-250-1554

June 25: Wells – Wings and Wheels Fly-In Breakfast and Classic Car Show, 7:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., Wells Municipal Airport (68y) PIC eats free. Aviation Fuel available. Contact: Wells Aviation 507-553-3100.

June 25: Aitkin Airport 23rd Annual Fly-in Drive-in Breakfast, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Contact Jim Larson

July 1: Starbuck Airport Pope County Flyers Annual Fly-In Pancake Breakfast in conjunction with Heritage Days (July 1-July 4), Church Services in the park. For info please call Mary Jo Brown at 320 760-7749 or Tom Beuckens at 320 - 239-4273

July 8: Wething Detroit Lakes Regional Airport Fly-In/Drive-In (KDTL), 8 a.m.- noon, contact Heather Sorum, EAA 1498

July 9: Lakeville Lions Club Fly-In Pancake Breakfast, 8 a.m.-noon, Airlake Airport (KLVN). PICs free. Warbirds including B-25 bomber. Rides available. Contact Gary Stinar, 612-280-6614

July 8-9: Isle Airport Saturday evening bonfire and campout followed by Sunday morning pancake breakfast with sausage and eggs 7-11a.m. For details contact Dave Retka 651-263-8614 or

July 15-16: Wings of the North AirExpo at Flying Cloud Airport, Eden Prairie,

July 16: Forest City Municipal Airport (KFXY) Annual Flight Breakfast, 7 a.m.-11 a.m. contact Richard or Theresa Trimble at 641-581-2880.

July 24-30: Oshkosh, WI. EAA AirVenture Oshkosh,

August 6: Longville Airport Fly-In, (KXVG) Contact Christina Herheim,

August 5: Elbow Lake Fly-In 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. during Elbow Lake FlekkeFest celebration 4-6 August, Contact Joe or Laura LaRue at Prairie Air,,, 218-685-6594,

August 12: Saturday Rice Lake Regional (KRPD) Fly-In 7 a.m.-2 p.m. Pancake Breakfast, PIC free, Airplanes, Cars, Powersports, RC Flyers, Parachutists, Helicopter Rides Lunch food trucks. Contact

August 13: Minnesota Sea Plane Association Annual Pig Roast Picnic, Surf Side, Contact Steve Guetter

Aug 20: Mankato, MN. EAA Chapter 642 Fly-In Pancake Breakfast at Mankato Region (KMKT), 7:30 a.m. –noon. PICs free. John, 507-345-1015 or Ken, 507-947-3084

Aug. 27: Litchfield, MN. Annual Fly-In Pancake Breakfast, 7 a.m.-noon, Litchfield Municipal (KLJF). PICs free.  Jim, (320) 693-6189.

September 9: Annual Pipestone Kiwanis Fly-In/Drive-In Pancake Breakfast, 7:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m., Pipestone Municipal Airport (PQN) For more information, please contact: The Pipestone Area Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau at 507-825-3316.

September 9: EAA 272 Young Eagle Flights and Pancake Breakfast, 8:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Richard I. Bong Memorial Airport (KSUV) Superior, Wisconsin. Breakfast starts at 8 a.m. to about 10:30 a.m. Parent or guardian permission is required for Young Eagle Flights. For more information, please contact: Tom Betts 218-590-0507 EAA 272

September 9-10: 2nd Annual Campout and 31st Annual Fly-In/Drive-In Pork Chop Dinner. Maple Lake Municipal Airport (KMGG). Saturday starts at 1:00 p.m. and goes to Sunday 2:00 p.m. Pork Chop dinner will be on Sunday. For more information, visit: EAA Chapter 878

September 10: New Ulm, MN Municipal Airport (KULM) New Ulm 44th Annual Lions Fly-In Breakfast, 7 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

September 23: Girls in Aviation Day,

December 2: Tree of Hope, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Maple Lake Municipal Airport (KMGG), Collect unwrapped new toys, donate money to purchase gifts, or volunteer to help collect, package, and deliver toys. Contact


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