Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

From the Director's Desk

Airport solar power systems

We are fortunate to have many long sunny days throughout the spring-summer-early fall seasons. That abundance of sunshine can turn thoughts to using that solar power at Minnesota’s airports.

While that might be advantageous in the not too-distant future, there is much that needs to be considered and planned for, well before the commitment to solar is made.

Solar power systems are rapidly growing in many areas and industries of our nation and the world. Airports across the US are beginning to build and install solar power generation systems to help, in time, power their airport in an environmentally clean and cost effective method. But solar panels on a plot, in a field, or on top of a building for instance, can seriously impact aviation safety. So I will direct you to read an article in this Aeronautics publication that contains valuable information you should see right away.

Also, a solar infographic can be downloaded from our webpage at: When an analysis of a proposed project is needed, please contact our Aviation Planning group and ask for, 651-234-7190.

I also want to share with you information about your paved airport. We have a statewide contract with Applied Research Associates (ARA), to monitor pavement conditions at your airport. ARA collects the pavement field distress data annually on a third of Minnesota’s airports. The ARA reports provide a great deal of information. You can view the report for your airport at: , then click on airport development. Finally, click on pavement management.

If you have any questions about the report or the Pavement Management System, you may contact Dan Boerner at or 651-234-7244.

As we head toward fall and the winding down of flying season for many, it is also the perfect time to start planning for next year’s activities.

Remember to send us information about your favorite aviation event. We’ll post it on our events page so others can attend. Please check the events page at: for a list of aviation activities across the state. Send event information to:

Although we can’t attend every fly-in or event, we do go to several each year, so please invite us!

- Cassandra Isackson

Director Office of Aeronautics


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