Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

University Avenue Elementary students refresh at Golden Wings

Fourth and fifth graders from the University Avenue Elementary School Aerospace were asking impressive questions during their February visit to the Golden Wings Aviation Museum at Anoka County Blaine Airport. Their advanced knowledge and eagerness to learn could stem from previous visits.

"This provides an awesome resources for kids because I'm hearing a lot of really great questions," said Reading Intervention teacher Karla Fox. "I'm hearing how they are taking information they have from previous experiences and making sense of it.

"I think kids surprise you with what they know or what they are getting from their experiences. I have some kids asking phenomenal questions that make me think, oh, I didn't know that you knew that information. I would have to say this allows me to see that kids get information from a variety of sources. That is great to see."

Michelle Kohlmeyer, teaches fourth and fifth grade humanities.

"We are touring different airplanes, hearing speakers, and gaining a lot of knowledge," said Kohlmeyer. "They are loving it! They are very interested. They are asking great questions and getting really thorough answers. I think it's creating a huge interest in them.

"We talk a lot about aerospace in our school so I think it's wonderful for them to be able to actually experience it in more of a hands on environment. They see the different airplanes, learn how they were constructed and why. I think that gains a lot of interest in flying for them. Hopefully their eager knowledge will get them to want to read more about it, too."

Blaine Airport Promotions Group president Roger Hansen not only coordinates visits with select schools studying aerospace, he also mans educational displays. Hansen said the group will have an opportunity to return for additional, more advanced instruction when they reach junior and senior high school level.


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