Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame announces 2018 inductees

The Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame board is proud to announce the names of the 2018 Inductees. Six persons will be inducted at a Spring 2018 Induction Banquet; they are: Darrell E. Bolduc, aircraft engine specialist and seaplane pilot. Bolduc represents half of the first Father-son inductee pair, as his father, Wilmer Bolduc was inducted in 2002; Roland J. “Ron” Fagen, aerobatic pilot, prominent ethanol production businessman, Vietnam veteran and aviation museum owner; Lt. Ralph D. Gracie, WWI fighter pilot and casualty, the first Minnesotan lost in aerial combat; Robert H. Jasperson, Vietnam air war veteran F-4 weapons systems operator, and current Wings of the North museum director; Joseph E. Kilpatrick, led the Honeywell team that developed the Ring Laser Gyro, among other navigational instruments used worldwide in today’s commercial and military aircraft as well as the Space Shuttle; Robert O. Leaders, unique and popular FBO at Clear Lake, Minnesota.

The 2018 Induction Banquet information will be announced January 1, 2018. Watch for more information about these newly named inductees on the Hall of Fame website and Facebook page,, as well as the pages of this magazine.


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